Wayne Hackett, Jin Shin Jyutsu class in New Orleans April 2016

I got a message from Eric Pollard about a new class with Wayne, the topic is to be announced, but since it is Wayne, it doesn’t matter what the subject will be, the class will be interesting no matter what 🙂
I have been in 4 classes with him already, I don’t think I will go to this one though, since I am planning to go to his Now Know Myself class in Louisville in May instead, but you’ll never know…
Here’s the message:

Hi there 🙂
We just recieved confirmation of the dates April 1-3, 2016 for a Special Topic Class with Wayne in New Orleans. We’d love to have you join us!
(The topic & venue are tba)
If you’d send me your e-mail address, I would be happy to add you to the mailing list.
Please feel free to share the info 🙂
Thanks! Eric Pollard

Mark your calendars!
Wayne Hackett Special Topic Class in New Orleans April 1 – 3, 2016
dates have been confirmed! (no foolin’!)
Topic & venue tba ~ toss me your e-mail info if you want to ba added to the mailing list.
Looking forward ~ EricPollard@hotmail.com

And here’s information about Wayne:
and information about his other classes:

Birgitta Höglund, om gluten

Birgitta bloggar om mat, och har skrivit en del kokböcker, och jag har följt henne ett tag, men visste inte om hennes “resa” från sjuk till frisk, hur hon hittade tillbaka till sitt friska jag, här är hennes berättelse om det: http://www.hemmetsjournal.se/Medicin/Medicin-och-halsa/Varken-forsvann-nar-jag-slutade-ata-gluten/

Värken försvann när jag slutade äta gluten!

Medicin & hälsa

För fem år sedan var Birgitta överviktig, hade besvärliga ryggsmärtor och var svårt drabbad av fibromyalgi. Idag leker livet tack vare en ny kost utan gluten och socker. – Förr gick jag med kryckor, nu kan jag promenera obehindrat i timmar!
Birgitta slutade äta gluten - blev fri från värken

Sedan Birgitta Höglund slutade med gluten slipper hon värken.

Birgitta Höglund vara bara 14 år när hon skadade sin rygg första gången. Då blev hon knuffad av en klasskamrat i skolan och landade illa på ett stengolv. Under årens lopp blev det många besök hos kiropraktorn, naprapaten och sjukgymnasten. Men ryggen fortsatte att värka. Nästa smäll kom år 2000. Birgitta arbetade som kock och skulle lyfta en tung låda på jobbet, då det small till i ryggen. – Plikttroget fortsatte jag att jobba i tre månader trots stora problem med smärta och att röra mig, berättar Birgitta, 53 år. Jag fick andra arbetsuppgifter men blev bara sämre. Till slut sjukskrevs jag. Sedan dess har livet mestadels varit en plåga. – Ja, om jag inte räknar de senaste fem åren! För tillfället är Birgitta solbränd och barbent, trots att det är mitt i vintern. Vintrarna tillbringar nämligen hon och sambon Lennart på varmare breddgrader, i Alanya i Turkiet. Paret träffades just här i Alanya för 13 år sedan, då båda var på semester. Under sommarhalvåret befinner sig dock Birgitta i bostaden hemma i Östersund. – Jag har en tvårumslägenhet i ett seniorboende med utsikt över fjällen, berättar hon. Jag fick dispens att flytta in när jag bara var 45 år, eftersom jag var så svårt handikappad på grund av ryggen. – Tidigare bodde jag i en lägenhet två trappor upp utan hiss och hade svårt att ta mig ut. I Alanya har paret däremot utsikt över de 2 000 meter höga Taurusbergen och stora delar av staden. Vädret kan jämföras med en svensk sommar, men med betydligt mer sol än i Jämtland. – Det är fullt upp om dagarna och vi har aldrig långtråkigt, berättar Birgitta. Efter frukosten kör jag ett en timmes träningspass som stärker min rygg. Programmet har jag fått utprovat av en sjukgymnast och en yogainstruktör. – Sedan blir det en eller flera långpromenader vid havet, oftast går jag 1-2 timmar varje dag. Steloperation enda alternativet Birgittas liv har förändrats rejält jämfört med förut, då hon hade svårt att röra sig på grund av ihärdiga ryggsmärtor. När hon skadade ryggen första gången fick hon kotkompressioner och en fraktur på bröstryggen. Andra gången var läkarens diagnos en sprucken disk. Redan som tonåring tvingades Birgitta ta starka smärtstillande mediciner och under årens lopp blev det allt fler av den sorten. Sjukgymnastik och behandlingar med korsett, smärtblockader och TENS, elektrisk nervstimulering, hjälpte bara för stunden. Slutligen var en steloperation av ländryggen det enda alternativet. – Jag stelopererades 2002, då kirurgen tog bort den skadade disken som ersattes med kolfiberstavar och plattor av titan. Operationen var lyckad, förutom att jag fick en nervskada i höger ben och fot som gjorde det lite besvärligt att gå. – Men inom ett år ökade smärtan igen. Jag fick också ont i leder och muskler, var ständigt trött och hade svårt att koncentrera mig. – Magen, som jag har haft besvär med hela livet, blev även sämre, liksom min migrän. Birgitta träffade många läkare och fick till slut diagnosen fibromyalgi. Med tanke på hennes långa sjukdomshistoria var diagnosen enkel att ställa, menar hon. – Nervsystemet blir lätt överretat om man går länge med värk. Varenda en av mina triggerpunkter, som används för att ställa diagnos vid fibromyalgi, smärtade rejält vid tryck. – Läkaren berättade att fibromyalgi är en sjukdom som inte går att bota. Träning hjälper inte, utan jag fick lära mig att leva med smärtan. – Jag fick sjukpension och såg framför mig ett liv med allt mer värk. Men Birgitta är en nyfiken person som trots alla nedslående besked inte gav upp kampen om ett smärtfritt liv. Hon började söka information på internet och kom i kontakt med LCHF-dieten. – Jag gick på en föreläsning med dr Annika Dahlqvist om dieten och bestämde mig för att lägga om min kost. Jag drog ner på kolhydrater och ökade på protein och naturligt fett i maten. Tidigare åt jag alldeles för lite protein och för mycket pasta och smörgåsar. Nu valde jag oftare grönsaker och hade rejält med smör och grädde i matlagningen. – Redan efter en vecka blev jag piggare. Förr hade jag jobbiga svackor flera gånger om dagen och ville bara lägga mig och sova. Senare förstod jag att det var blodsockersvängningar som ledde till formsvackorna. När mitt blodsocker håller sig på en jämn nivå, slipper jag detta. – Tidigare åt jag för att bli pigg. Men det resulterade i att jag blev trött och åt ännu mer. Då det var som värst vägde jag drygt 95 kilo. När Birgitta ändrade sin kost, tappade hon automatiskt 20 av sina överflödskilon. Samtidigt byggde hon på med starkare muskler, på grund av ett högre proteinintag och träning, och stärkte dessutom rygg och ben. Slängde kryckorna Efter ett halvår med den nya dieten, år 2009, beslöt hon sig för att helt sluta med gluten. Då kom den största förbättringen. – Jag hade läst allt mer om de skadliga effekterna som gluten har på hälsan och bestämde mig för att leva ett liv utan mjöl. Bland annat kopplas fibromyalgi ihop med glutenintolerans på flera amerikanska läkarsidor. – Nu minskade värken snabbt. Förstoppningen försvann och även min migrän och eftermiddagströttheten. – Vilken lättnad! Jag hade aldrig trott att jag skulle kunna må så bra. Birgitta testades för glutenintolerans hos doktorn, men provet var negativt. Läkaren menade dock att hon ändå inte tål gluten; det är tydligt eftersom det leder till att hon blir dålig. – Ja, äter jag gluten av misstag får jag en värkande och svullen mage. Jag är övertygad om att det är mitt beslut att ta bort gluten, samt att utesluta socker och att öka på fettet, som har gett mig min goda hälsa tillbaka. – Numera känner jag bara av min värk om jag stressar, anstränger mig för mycket eller om vädret slår om. Kosten har kanske inte botat mina krämpor, men den underlättar verkligen mitt liv. – Förr tvingades jag gå med käpp eller kryckor. Idag kan jag promenera obehindrat i timmar, även i backar och trappor. Under flera år har Birgitta drivit en populär mat- och hälsoblogg – Birgitta Höglunds mat. Den är en av de största hälsobloggarna i landet och innehåller drygt 1000 nyttiga matrecept. Att blogga och svara på läsarfrågor tar en stor del av Birgittas tid. – Det är en njutning för mig att skapa nya rätter till bloggen och det hjälper mig också att hålla fast vid min nya kost. Det känns fantastiskt roligt att få vara med och förbättra folks hälsa. – Mina år med värk och ryggproblem har fört mycket gott med sig. Jag är så glad att jag inte gav upp! Birgitta bor halva året i Alanya i Turkiet.

Birgitta Höglund tillbringar vintrarna i Alanya i Turkiet, tillsammans med sambon Lennart.

Här hittar du mer info om Birgitta: https://birgittahoglundsmat.wordpress.com


Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help class in London, 1 August 2015

I got an email from Cheli about a self-help class in London, here’s the information:
Dear All
i hope you are well, just a very last minute info for my Jin Shin Jyutsu Selfhelpclassthis saturday 1.8. from 3 till 5pm, cost £15  in my room in Health in the City. for a small group. if we are more well move to a bigger venue.
WE will go through the energylocks #16 and #22, related to Liver and Gallbladder flow.
bringing our attention to the energylocks within the body
Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient japanese healing art, which reaches the bodies energies from within by applying hands on designated points on the body. You will learn about Jin Shin Jyutsu in this course, aswell as having a practical experience on yourself with this art
please pass it on to someone who might be interested or hope to hear from you soon
best to call me for bookings Cheli  07789567612
all best
many thanks
Health in the City
65 London Wall,
room 57
London, EC2M 5TU
for information please call 079 4608 4848 / 07789567612.

Artikel om gluten och mjölk – Stig Bengmark

Jag håller verkligen med Stig Bengmark – nu är det 6 år sen jag slutade äta gluten, jag har verkligen nolltolerans mot gluten/vete, och försöker låta bli så mycket övrig säd jag kan, och jag har slutat med mjölkprodukter också, det är en sån väldigt stor skillnad i hur jag mår, så jag kommer aldrig att börja äta sånt igen…


Satsa mer på maten som gör oss friska

Professor: Vi skulle alla må bättre utan gluten- och mejeriprodukter

En tsunami av ohälsa, speciellt kroniska sjukdomar, sprider sig runt jorden. Sjukdomar som alzheimer och cancer beräknas år 2050 ha tredubblats i antal och till exempel diabetes åtminstone fördubblats, något inget hälsosystem kan klara av .”Solidarisk sjukvård för alla” löper risk att bli en historisk parentes.

Epidemins epicentrum är södra USA – Texas, Lousiana, Missisippi och Alabama – och spridningen följer utbredningen av intensivjordbruket. Främsta orsaken är sannolikt en mycket för stor konsumtion av växt”förädlad”, kaloririk mat, som i stor mängd är inflammations-/sjukdomsframkallande. Här finns starkt processat och hög-temperatur-berett kött, speciellt charkuterivaror, gluteninnehållande säd och kaseininnehållande mejerivaror med mer. Giftiga proteiner, naturligt förekommande som gluten och kasein, och nytillverkade som glykerade och lipoxiderade proteiner, liksom akrylamidproteinkomplex, som bildas bland annat vid bakning och rostning av bröd och grillning och stekning av kött, är mycket negativa för vår viktiga tarmflora och utövar starkt negativt inflytande på vårt immunsystem.


Gluten och kaseinfritt är i dag de starkaste hälsotrenderna i Nordamerika. En tredjedel av amerikanerna föredrar glutenfritt, och antalet beräknas fördubblas inom fem år. Toppidrottsmän, bland annat de ledande på den globala tennisrankingen liksom långdistanslöpare, lever i dag glutenfritt – ofta också kaseinfritt – och de upplever stor skillnad i prestationsförmåga. Kliniska studier med glutenfritt rapporterar stora förbättringar av tillstånd som ADHD, typ 1 diabetes och IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Enstaka fall av dramatisk förbättring av exempelvis non-alzheimer demens och terapiresistent epilepsi har också rapporterats.

Stora krav ställs på omställning av jordbruk och industri men det skapar också nya, lockande affärsmöjligheter. Enligt ekonomisajten bloomberg.comomsätter den glutenfria marknaden i dag bara i USA drygt fyra miljarder dollar och väntas om fem år närma sig sju miljarder. Världsledande livsmedels- och ölföretag, som General Mills och Pepsi, liksom många restauranger har kvickt hakat på.


Det är ofattbart att europeisk och speciellt nordiskt jordbruk och industri, liksom våra politiker, är så passiva. Dagens stora subventioner av mat som bidrar till sjukdom måste få ett slut och medlen användas till omställning till produktion av hälsoriktig föda. USA:s historiska satsning för att hjälpa sina bönder att ställa om från tobaksodling till odling av jordnötter kan väl tjäna som föredöme.

Sannolikt mår vi alla, även vi som inte lider av genetisk baserad glutenintolerans, bättre av att begränsa eller helt avstå från gluten- och mejeriprodukter. Traditionellt glutenfritt bröd är inte särskilt nyttigt, mest bara potatis- och majsmjöl. En lång rad av sädesslag och fröer, fulla av nyttigheter som inte lika mycket utsatts för växtförädling och som är fulla av antioxidanter och vitaminer – amaranth, chia, sorghum, teff, quinoa med mer – väntar på sin chans. Det finns också spännande mjölk-, smör- och yoghurtalternativ.

Hälsoriktiga produkter är lönsamma – i USA och i Storbritannien kostar de inte sällan upp till det dubbla. Att söka tiga ihjäl en ostoppbar utveckling löser inga problem.

Innovatörer, företagare, kockar – kom ut på banan. Se möjligheterna och ta vara på chansen. Följ era amerikanska kollegors exempel!
Stig Bengmark


Stig Bengmark, 84, London. Professor vid medicinska fakulteten i Lund 1970-1994, sedan 15 år Honorary Visiting Professor vid Londons Universitet – University College.


Å ena sidan är vi mer medvetna än någonsin om vad vi stoppar i oss. Å andra sidan blir diabetes och övervikt allt större problem. Stat och näringsliv borde satsa mer på mat som vi vet är nyttiga för oss, skriver dagens debattör.

Jed Schwartz, 5 day Jin Shin Jyutsu class 29 Jan-2 Feb, Santa Rosa, CA

Course Title: 5-Day Basic Seminar
Start Date: January/29/2016 End Date: February/02/2016
Location: Santa Rosa
Organizer Name:Sylvia Marie
Phone/Fax 707-829-1772
Address:6107 Burnside Rd., Sebastopol, CA 95472
Notes: Friday through Tues. 9AM to 5PM Jan. 29 through Feb 2, 2016



The five elements (Chinese medicine)

Interesting thing, I want to check out this a little closer, to compare…


Wu Xing

Zhongwen.png This article contains Chinese text.
Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of Chinese characters.
Classical Elements


Water Aether Fire

Hinduism (Tattva) and
Buddhism (Mahābhūta)

Vayu/Pavan (Air/Wind)
Ap/Jala (Water) Akasha (Aether) Agni/Tejas(Fire)
Prithvi/Bhumi (Earth)

Japanese (Godai)

Air/Wind (風)
Water (水) Void/Sky/Heaven (空) Fire (火)
Earth (地)

Tibetan (Bön)

Water Space Fire

Chinese (Wu Xing)

Fire (火)
Metal (金) Earth (土) Wood (木)
Water (水)

Medieval Alchemy

Water Aether Fire
Sulphur Mercury Salt

In ancient Taoist thought,Wu Xing (Chinese: 五行pinyinwǔxíng), or the Five Phases,usually translated as five elements, five movements, or five steps are five dynamic qualities or energies that can be perceived in all natural phenomena. The elements are:

  • Metal (Chinese:金, pinyin: jīn, “gold”)
  • Wood (Chinese: 木, pinyin: mù)
  • Water (Chinese: 水, pinyin: shuǐ)
  • Fire (Chinese:火, pinyin: huǒ),
  • Earth (Chinese:土, pinyin: tǔ).

The system of five phases was used for describing interactions and interpreting relationships between phenomena. It was employed as a device in many fields of early Chinese thought, including geomancy or feng shui, astrology, traditional Chinese medicinemusic, art, military strategy, and martial arts. The system is still used as a reference in some forms of complementary and alternative medicine and martial arts, and in feng shui, fortune-telling and casting horoscopes.

Origin and meaning

The Chinese character 行 (xing, hsing), though translated as “phase” or “element,” is a verb meaning “to act” or “to go.” The Five Agents were believed to control the change and movement of the universe, and to provide the energy for all the other groups of five in the Chinese cosmology, such as the Five Virtues of Confucianism, Five Government Ministers, Five Sacred Mountains of Taoism, Five Musical Notes in the pentatonic scale, and the Five Basic Colors. The source of these ancient beliefs is the I Ching (Book of Changes).[1]Some scholars theorize that the original foundation for the five elements is the concept of the Five Cardinal Points.

Each of the five agents is associated with a specific element in each group of five. For example, fire is associated with summer, red, and the Ministry of War. Wood is associated with the spring season, the color green, and the Ministry of Agriculture. The Five Sacred Mountains represent the four cardinal directions plus the center of the universe; the eastern mountain is green, the southern is red, the central mountain yellow, the northern mountain black, and the western mountain white. In Chinese history, the successive dynasties were linked to each of the five phases; the Xia dynasty (2200–1750 B.C.E.) was wood; the Shang dynasty (1750–1040 B.C.E.) was metal; the Zhou dynasty(1100–256 B.C.E.) was fire and red; and the founder of the Qin dynasty (221 B.C.E.–206 C.E.) chose black and water as his symbols.[2]

Traditional schools of the internal martial art Taijiquan relate the five elements to footwork and refer to them as five “steps.” The system is still used as a reference in some forms of complementary and alternative medicine and martial arts. Some claim the original foundation for these elements are the concept of the Five Cardinal Points.


The doctrine of five phases describes two Cycles of Balance, a generating or creation (生, shēng) cycle and an overcoming or destruction (克/剋, ) cycle of interactions between the phases. In any creative activity, such as martial arts, medicine, painting or music, each element should only be combined with the elements that come before and after it in the cycle.

There are also two Cycles of Imbalance. An overacting cycle (cheng) occurs when the balance maintained in the generating sequence is disrupted, causing one element to become excessive and “overcontrol” another element. An insulting sequence (“wu,” also known as rebellious cycle, insulting cycle) operates in reverse to the overcoming sequence, when the balance between two elements is broken and the element that is usually being controlled “insults” the controlling element by overcoming it.[3]


The common memory devices to help remember the correct order of the phases are:

  • Wood feeds Fire
  • Fire creates Earth (ash)
  • Earth bears Metal
  • Metal carries Water (as in a bucket or tap)
  • Water nourishes Wood

Other common words for this cycle include “begets,” “engenders,” and “mothers.”


Each of the five elements also has dominance over another:

  • Wood parts Earth
  • Earth absorbs Water
  • Water quenches Fire
  • Fire melts Metal
  • Metal chops Wood

This cycle is also called “controls,” “restrains,” or “fathers.”

Interactions of Five Chinese Elements—Cycles of Balance and Cycles of Imbalance.

Cosmology and feng shui

According to Wu Xing theory, the structure of the cosmos mirrors the five elements. Each “element” has a complex series of associations with different aspects of nature, as can be seen in the following table. In the ancient Chinese form of geomancy known as feng shui, practitioners based their art and system on the five elements (Wu Xing). All of these elements are represented within the bagua (eight trigrams). Associated with each of these elements are colors, seasons and shapes, all of which interact with each other.[4]

Based on a particular directional energy flow from one element to the next, the interaction can be expansive, destructive, or exhaustive. Proper knowledge of these principles of energy flow enables feng shui practitioners to apply specific cures by rearrangement of energy in a way they believe to be beneficial.

Element Wood Fire Earth Metal Water
Color green red yellow white blue or
Direction east south center / zenith west north
Planet Jupiter Mars Saturn Venus Mercury
Heavenly creature Azure Dragon
蒼龍 or 青龍
Vermilion Bird
Yellow Dragon or Yellow Qilin
黃龍 or 黃麟
White Tiger
Black Tortoise
Heavenly Stems
Phase New Yang Full Yang Yin/Yang balance New Yin Full Yin
Energy generative expansive stabilizing contracting conserving
Season spring summer change of seasons
(every third month)
autumn winter
Climate windy hot damp dry cold
Development sprouting blooming ripening withering dormant
Livestock dog sheep/goat cattle chicken pig
Fruit plum apricot jujube(dates) peach chestnut
Grain wheat beans rice hemp millet


The elements have also been correlated to the eight trigrams of the I Ching:

Element Wood Fire Earth Metal Water
I Ching Wood, splinter Fire, lightning Earth, sand Metal, iron Water, ice
Trigrams :|| ( 巽 xùn) |:: ( 震 zhèn) |:| ( 離 ) ::: ( 坤 kūn) ::| ( 艮 gèn) ||| ( 乾 qián) ||: ( 兌 duì) :|: ( 坎 kǎn)

Chinese medicine

Five Chinese Elements—Diurnal Cycle.

The interdependence of organ networks in the body was noted to be a circle of five majpr systems, and was mapped by Chinese doctors onto the five phases. For instance, the liver (wood phase) is said to be the “mother” of the heart (fire phase), and the kidneys (water phase) the “mother” of the liver. In the case of a kidney deficiency affecting the function of the liver, the observation is made that the “mother” is weak, and cannot support the child. However, the kidneys (water phase) control the heart (fire phase) in the “overcoming” (“ke”) cycle, so the kidneys are said to restrain the heart. Many of these interactions have now been linked to known physiological pathways (such as the pH of the kidney affecting activity of the heart).

The application of the five elements in Chinese medicine is only a model, with some known exceptions, but because it seems to produce valid results, it has remained in use for thousands of years.

The order in which the Five Phases are cited in the Bo Hu Tong and other Han dynasty texts is: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. According to Chinese medical theory, the organs are most effectively treated during the following four-hour periods throughout the day, beginning with the period from 3 a.m. to 7 a.m.:

  • 3 a.m. to 7 a.m. metal organs
  • 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. earth organs
  • 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. fire1 organs
  • 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. water organs,
  • 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. fire2 (the “non-empirical” pericardium and “triple burner” organs
  • 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. wood organs

These two orders are further related to the sequence of the planets going outward from the sun (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn; or Water, Metal, Fire, Wood, and Earth) illustrated in a star diagram similar to the one shown above.

Element Wood Fire Earth Metal Water
Planet Jupiter Mars Saturn Venus Mercury
Mental Quality sensitivity creativity clarity intuition spontaneity
Negative Emotion anger, frustration over-excitation worry, anxiety grief, sadness fear, lack of will
Positive Emotion patience joy empathy,love courage calmness
Zang (yin organs) liver heart/pericardium spleen/pancreas lung kidney
Fu (yang organs) gall bladder small intestine/San Jiao stomach large intestine urinary bladder
Sensory organ eye tongue mouth nose ears
Body Part tendons pulse muscle skin bones
Body Fluid tears sweat saliva mucus urine
Finger index finger middle finger thumb ring finger little finger
Sense sight speech taste smell hearing
Taste sour bitter sweet pungent salty
Smell rancid scorched fragrant putrid rotten
Life birth youth adulthood old age death

Chinese astrology

Chinese astrology is based upon the interaction of the five elements with the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac, to produce a 60 year cycle of signs. A 60th birthday celebration is especially significant because the person has lived through a complete cycle of 60 years.

Element Wood Fire Earth Metal Water
Heavenly Stem Jia 甲
Yi 乙
Bing 丙
Ding 丁
Wu 戊
Ji 己
Geng 庚
Xin 辛
Ren 壬
Gui 癸
Birth year ends with 4, 5 6, 7 8, 9 0, 1 2, 3

For example, someone born in the year 1953, the year of the Snake, is said to be born in the year of the Water Snake because his or her birth year ends with 3, a number associated with Water. Fortune-tellers use these associations in determining whether a couple will have a fortuitous marriage.


Main article: Chinese music

The Yuèlìng chapter (月令篇) of the Lǐjì (禮記) and the Huáinánzǐ (淮南子) make the following correlations:

Element Wood Fire Earth Metal Water
Colour green red yellow white blue
Direction east south center west north
The Chinese Five-note Scale jué 角 (mi) zhǐ 徵 (so) gōng 宮 (do) shāng 商 (re)  羽 (la)

The Chinese word 青 qīng, traditionally translated as azure in this context, includes the range in the spectrum from green to blue, with shades down to black.

In modern Western music, various seven note or five note scales (for example, the major scale) are defined by selecting seven or five frequencies from the set of twelve semi-tones in the Equal tempered tuning. The Chinese “lǜ” tuning is closest to the ancient Greek tuning of Pythagoras.

Xingyi martial arts

The martial art Xingyiquan uses the five elements to metaphorically represent five different states of combat. Xingyiquan practitioners use the five elements as an interpretative framework for reacting and responding to attacks. The five element theory is a general combat formula which assumes at least three outcomes of a fight; the constructive, the neutral, and the destructive. Xingyiquan students train to react to and execute specific techniques in such a way that a desirable cycle will form based on the constructive, neutral and destructive interactions of five element theory. Where to aim, where to hit and with what technique—and how those motions should work defensively—is determined by the point of the cycle in which the combatant sees himself or herself.

Each of the elements has variant applications that allow it to be used to defend against all of the elements (including itself), so any set sequences are entirely arbitrary, though the destructive cycle is often taught to beginners as it is easier to visualize and consists of easier applications.

Element Fist Chinese Pinyin Description
Wood Crushing Bēng To collapse, as a building collapsing in on itself.
Fire Pounding Pào Exploding outward like a cannon while blocking.
Earth Crossing Héng Crossing across the line of attack while turning over.
Metal Splitting To split like an axe chopping up and over.
Water Drilling Zuān Drilling forward horizontally like a geyser.

Shan shui painting

Shan shui (Chinese: 山水 lit. “mountain-water”) is a style of Chinese painting that involves or depicts scenery or natural landscapes, using a brush and ink rather than more conventional paints. Mountains, rivers and often waterfalls are prominent in this art form. Shan shui is painted and designed in accordance with Chinese elemental theory, with the five elements representing various parts of the natural world, and has specific directions for colorations that should be used in cardinal ‘directions’ of the painting, and for which color should dominate.[5]

Direction Element Colour
East Wood Green
South Fire Red
NE / SW Earth Tan or Yellow
West / NW Metal White or gold
North Water Blue or Black

Positive interactions between the Elements are:

  • Wood produces Fire
  • Fire produces Earth
  • Earth produces Metal
  • Metal produces Water
  • Water produces Wood.

Elements that react positively should be used together. For example, Water complements both Metal and Wood; therefore, a painter would combine blue and green or blue and white. There is a positive interaction between Earth and Fire, so a painter would mix Yellow and Red.[6]

Negative interactions between the Elements are:

  • Wood uproots Earth
  • Earth blocks Water
  • Water douses Fire
  • Fire melts Metal
  • Metal chops Wood

Elements that interact negatively should never be used together. For example, Fire will not interact positively with Water or Metal so a painter would not choose to mix red and blue, or red and white.[7]

About sugar – Robert Lustig and John Yudkin

It’s interesting that Ancel Keys could be allowed to have such a strong voice, and that John Yudkin was banned… I guess it’s all about the money…


John Yudkin: the man who tried to warn us about sugar
A British professor’s 1972 book about the dangers of sugar is now seen as prophetic. So why did it lead to the end of his career?

A couple of years ago, an out-of-print book published in 1972 by a long-dead British professor suddenly became a collector’s item. Copies that had been lying dusty on bookshelves were selling for hundreds of pounds, while copies were also being pirated online. Alongside such rarities as Madonna’s Sex, Stephen King’s Rage (written as Richard Bachman) and Promise Me Tomorrow by Nora Roberts; Pure, White and Deadly by John Yudkin, a book widely derided at the time of publication, was listed as one of the most coveted out-of-print works in the world.

How exactly did a long-forgotten book suddenly become so prized? The cause was a ground-breaking lecture called Sugar: the Bitter Truth by Robert Lustig, professor of paediatric endocrinology at the University of California, in which Lustig hailed Yudkin’s work as “prophetic”.

“Without even knowing it, I was a Yudkin acolyte,” says Lustig, who tracked down the book after a tip from a colleague via an interlibrary loan. “Everything this man said in 1972 was the God’s honest truth and if you want to read a true prophecy you find this book… I’m telling you every single thing this guy said has come to pass. I’m in awe.”

Posted on YouTube in 2009, Lustig’s 90-minute talk has received 4.1million hits and is credited with kick-starting the anti-sugar-movement, a campaign that calls for sugar to be treated as a toxin, like alcohol and tobacco, and for sugar-laden foods to be taxed, labelled with health warnings and banned for anyone under 18.

Lustig is one of a growing number of scientists who don’t just believe sugar makes you fat and rots teeth. They’re convinced it’s the cause of several chronic and very common illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and diabetes. It’s also addictive, since it interferes with our appetites and creates an irresistible urge to eat.

This year, Lustig’s message has gone mainstream; many of the New Year diet books focused not on fat or carbohydrates, but on cutting out sugar and the everyday foods (soups, fruit juices, bread) that contain high levels of sucrose. The anti-sugar camp is not celebrating yet, however. They know what happened to Yudkin and what a ruthless and unscrupulous adversary the sugar industry proved to be.

The tale begins in the Sixties. That decade, nutritionists in university laboratories all over America and Western Europe were scrabbling to work out the reasons for an alarming rise in heart disease levels. By 1970, there were 520 deaths per 100,000 per year in England and Wales caused by coronary heart disease and 700 per 100,000 in America. After a while, a consensus emerged: the culprit was the high level of fat in our diets.

One scientist in particular grabbed the headlines: a nutritionist from the University of Minnesota called Ancel Keys. Keys, famous for inventing the K-ration – 12,000 calories packed in a little box for use by troops during the Second World War – declared fat to be public enemy number one and recommended that anyone who was worried about heart disease should switch to a low-fat “Mediterranean” diet.

Instead of treating the findings as a threat, the food industry spied an opportunity. Market research showed there was a great deal of public enthusiasm for “healthy” products and low-fat foods would prove incredibly popular. By the start of the Seventies, supermarket shelves were awash with low-fat yogurts, spreads, and even desserts and biscuits.

But, amid this new craze, one voice stood out in opposition. John Yudkin, founder of the nutrition department at the University of London’s Queen Elizabeth College, had been doing his own experiments and, instead of laying the blame at the door of fat, he claimed there was a much clearer correlation between the rise in heart disease and a rise in the consumption of sugar. Rodents, chickens, rabbits, pigs and students fed sugar and carbohydrates, he said, invariably showed raised blood levels of triglycerides (a technical term for fat), which was then, as now, considered a risk factor for heart disease. Sugar also raised insulin levels, linking it directly to type 2 diabetes.

When he outlined these results in Pure, White and Deadly, in 1972, he questioned whether there was any causal link at all between fat and heart disease. After all, he said, we had been eating substances like butter for centuries, while sugar, had, up until the 1850s, been something of a rare treat for most people. “If only a small fraction of what we know about the effects of sugar were to be revealed in relation to any other material used as a food additive,” he wrote, “that material would promptly be banned.”

Prof John Yudkin and his controversial book

This was not what the food industry wanted to hear. When devising their low-fat products, manufacturers had needed a fat substitute to stop the food tasting like cardboard, and they had plumped for sugar. The new “healthy” foods were low-fat but had sugar by the spoonful and Yudkin’s findings threatened to disrupt a very profitable business.

As a result, says Lustig, there was a concerted campaign by the food industry and several scientists to discredit Yudkin’s work. The most vocal critic was Ancel Keys.

Keys loathed Yudkin and, even before Pure, White and Deadly appeared, he published an article, describing Yudkin’s evidence as “flimsy indeed”.

“Yudkin always maintained his equanimity, but Keys was a real a——-, who stooped to name-calling and character assassination,” says Lustig, speaking from New York, where he’s just recorded yet another television interview.

The British Sugar Bureau put out a press release dismissing Yudkin’s claims as “emotional assertions” and the World Sugar Research Organisation described his book as “science fiction”. When Yudkin sued, it printed a mealy-mouthed retraction, concluding: “Professor Yudkin recognises that we do not agree with [his] views and accepts that we are entitled to express our disagreement.”

Yudkin was “uninvited” to international conferences. Others he organised were cancelled at the last minute, after pressure from sponsors, including, on one occasion, Coca-Cola. When he did contribute, papers he gave attacking sugar were omitted from publications. The British Nutrition Foundation, one of whose sponsors was Tate & Lyle, never invited anyone from Yudkin’s internationally acclaimed department to sit on its committees. Even Queen Elizabeth College reneged on a promise to allow the professor to use its research facilities when he retired in 1970 (to write Pure, White and Deadly). Only after a letter from Yudkin’s solicitor was he offered a small room in a separate building.

“Can you wonder that one sometimes becomes quite despondent about whether it is worthwhile trying to do scientific research in matters of health?” he wrote. “The results may be of great importance in helping people to avoid disease, but you then find they are being misled by propaganda designed to support commercial interests in a way you thought only existed in bad B films.”

And this “propaganda” didn’t just affect Yudkin. By the end of the Seventies, he had been so discredited that few scientists dared publish anything negative about sugar for fear of being similarly attacked. As a result, the low-fat industry, with its products laden with sugar, boomed.

Yudkin’s detractors had one trump card: his evidence often relied on observations, rather than on explanations, of rising obesity, heart disease and diabetes rates. “He could tell you these things were happening but not why, or at least not in a scientifically acceptable way,” says David Gillespie, author of the bestselling Sweet Poison. “Three or four of the hormones that would explain his theories had not been discovered.”

“Yudkin knew a lot more data was needed to support his theories, but what’s important about his book is its historical significance,” says Lustig. “It helps us understand how a concept can be bastardised by dark forces of industry.”

Robert Lustig is credited with starting the modern anti-sugar movement

From the Eighties onwards, several discoveries gave new credence to Yudkin’s theories. Researchers found fructose, one of the two main carbohydrates in refined sugar, is primarily metabolised by the liver; while glucose (found in starchy food like bread and potatoes) is metabolised by all cells. This means consuming excessive fructose puts extra strain on the liver, which then converts fructose to fat. This induces a condition known as insulin resistance, or metabolic syndrome, which doctors now generally acknowledge to be the major risk factor for heart disease, diabetes and BBC obesity, as well as a possible factor for many cancers. Yudkin’s son, Michael, a former professor of biochemistry at Oxford, says his father was never bitter about the way he was treated, but, “he was hurt personally”.

“More than that,” says Michael, “he was such an enthusiast of public health, it saddened him to see damage being done to us all, because of vested interests in the food industry.”

One of the problems with the anti-sugar message – then and now – is how depressing it is. The substance is so much part of our culture, that to be told buying children an ice cream may be tantamount to poisoning them, is most unwelcome. But Yudkin, who grew up in dire poverty in east London and went on to win a scholarship to Cambridge, was no killjoy. “He didn’t ban sugar from his house, and certainly didn’t deprive his grandchildren of ice cream or cake,” recalls his granddaughter, Ruth, a psychotherapist. “He was hugely fun-loving and would never have wanted to be deprived of a pleasure, partly, perhaps, because he grew up in poverty and had worked so hard to escape that level of deprivation.”

“My father certainly wasn’t fanatical,” adds Michael. “If he was invited to tea and offered cake, he’d accept it. But at home, it’s easy to say no to sugar in your tea. He believed if you educated the public to avoid sugar, they’d understand that.”

Thanks to Lustig and the rehabilitation of Yudkin’s reputation, Penguin republished Pure, White and Deadly 18 months ago. Obesity rates in the UKare now 10 times what they were when it was first published and the amount of sugar we eat has increased 31.5 per cent since 1990 (thanks to all the “invisible” sugar in everything from processed food and orange juice to coleslaw and yogurt). The number of diabetics in the world has nearly trebled. The numbers dying of heart disease has decreased, thanks to improved drugs, but the number living with the disease is growing steadily.

As a result, the World Health Organisation is set to recommend a cut in the amount of sugar in our diets from 22 teaspoons per day to almost half that. But its director-general, Margaret Chan, has warned that, while it might be on the back foot at last, the sugar industry remains a formidable adversary, determined to safeguard its market position. Recently, UK food campaigners have complained that they’re being shunned by ministers who are more than willing to take meetings with representatives from the food industry. “It is not just Big Tobacco any more,” Chan said last year. “Public health must also contend with Big Food, Big Soda and Big Alcohol. All of these industries fear regulation and protect themselves by using the same tactics. They include front groups, lobbies, promises of self-regulation, lawsuits and industry-funded research that confuses the evidence and keeps the public in doubt.”

Dr Julian Cooper, head of research at AB Sugar, insists the increase in the incidence of obesity in Britain is a result of, “a range of complex factors”. “Reviews of the body of scientific evidence by expert committees have concluded that consuming sugar as part of a balanced diet does not induce lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and heart disease,” he says.

If you look up Robert Lustig on Wikipedia, nearly two-thirds of the studies cited there to repudiate Lustig’s views were funded by Coca-Cola. But Gillespie believes the message is getting through. “More people are avoiding sugar, and when this happens companies adjust what they’re selling,” he says. It’s just a shame, he adds, that a warning that could have been taken on board 40 years ago went unheeded: “Science took a disastrous detour in ignoring Yudkin. It was to the detriment of the health of millions.”

Video: Bananas (why you should eat organic)

It was a long time (many many years) since I stopped buying anything else than organic bananas… this is why…

Publicerades den 3 aug. 2014

Bananas!* is a 2009 Swedish documentary directed by Fredrik Gertten about a conflict between the Dole Food Company and banana plantation workers in Nicaragua over alleged cases of sterility caused by the pesticide DBCP.


Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:

Part 9:

Jed Schwartz and Adele Leas Special 7 Day Jin Shin Jyutsu for all beings

Course Title: Special 7-Day Jin Shin Jyutsu for All Beings-The class will take place at the Alaqua Animal Refuge in Destin, Florida. This class will give students time to practice with each other as well as on some of the many animal species at the Refuge.
Start Date: October/05/2015  End Date: October/11/2015
Organized by Lois Slade
Phone/Text: (845)417-6903
Email: lois.aurelia@gmail.com
Lois Slade-JSJ All Beings, 19 Park Dr, Woodstock NY 12498

Notes: Tuition: New Student :$1300 Review Student: $1100 Jin Shin Jyutsu for All Beings is a new seminar that combines Mary Burmeister’s Jin Shin Jyutsu 5-Day Basic Seminar with Adele’ Leas’ class Jin Shin Jyutsu for Your Animal Companion, merging Jin Shin Jyutsu Physio-Philosophy for humans and for animals into a single seminar for all beings. On a practical level, ths class will focus on how to work with animals and humans in a way that is supportive, caring, and efficient for both practitioner and client. Class includes body reading, appropriate hand positions, and methods to adapt flows to accommodate size or other variables presented by creatures great and small. Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inc., will count this class as attendance at one Jin Shin Jyutsu 5-Day Basic Seminar, with two additional days counted as attendance at a Special Topic Class. It will also count as one class credit towards the Jin Shin Jyutsu for Your Animal Companion Certification Program that was established by Adele and which is recognized by many animal sanctuaries and refuges. Go to http://www.jsjforyouranimal.com/ for more information.

Jed Adele jpeg

Sadaki Kato’s Jin Shin Jyutsu class in Asheville, NC, September 2015

I really recommend this 5 day class with Sadaki Kato, I was in his class in Los Angeles last March, and I wish I had time to go to this too, but I can’t.. so don’t miss this chance, Sadaki Kato doesn’t give many classes, next time it will be in Germany, and since he teaches in Japanese the translation will be in German – so if you know German this is an excellent opportunity 🙂 I will post more about the class in Germany when I have the details! (Preliminary dates 28 Oct – 1 nov, in Bonn)

And these are the words from Beth Molaro about the class:

Dear Friends,

This is the final USA Sadaki Kato Class scheduled for 2015. We encourage YOU to sign up for this class as we do not anticipate Sadaki returning to the USA to teach until 2017.
Join us in September to deepen your understanding of the Harmonizing Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu with Sadaki Kato. This class is held in a Retreat Setting in the Beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina between the sweet mountain town of Black Mountain and bustling city of Asheville.
Sign up today!

You are invited to join us in September to deepen your understanding of the Harmonizing Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu with Sadaki Kato. This class is held in a Retreat Setting in the Beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina between the sweet mountain town of Black Mountain and bustling city of Asheville.
5-Day Kato Text Seminar
See Course Flyer Here
Instructor: Sadaki Kato
In Japanese with English Translation
September 9 – 13, 2015PREREQUISITE:
Seven 5-Day classes or Five 5-Day classes, plus a NKM or Journey Continues Class.

This class explores the development and characteristics of Jin Shin Jyutsu in Japan
• Tracing the history of Jin Shin Jyutsu in Japan.
• Reconstructing some of Master Jiro Murai’s Jin Shin Jyutsu lectures
• Learning basic concepts from Haruki Kato’s “Jin Shin Jyutsu: Master Jiro Murai, the Originator, and His Work (The Method of Enhancing TaiEki Circulation Using Ki-Eki)
• Acquainting with Haruki Kato’s teaching and practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu in Japan: Clinical Cases
• Exploring and experiencing various flows and changes in conformation

New Student :
$930 (If you have prerequisite, but have never taken classes with Sadaki or Haruki Kato)

Review Student :
$600 (You qualify as a review student if you have taken classes with Sadaki or Haruki Kato)

Terms and conditions of Tuition:
A $100 Tuition Deposit will hold your place in this class.
An additional $100 Deposit will hold your Lodging choice.
No Early Bird Discount for this class.
Cancellation fees apply after August 9, 2015.
Please pay in FULL by September 1, 2015. 

Our Class will be held at the Blue Ridge Assembly, a YMCA Mountain Retreat and Conference Center between Asheville and Black Mountain, NC. It is a gorgeous location with hiking trails and mountain views and charm… the lodging is incredibly reasonable for hotel type rooms on-site and includes breakfast lunch and dinner.  Rates are for Check in Sept 8-Check out Sept 13… arrangements can be made to extend stay if needed.  Registrations for both the Seminar and for Lodging or Lunch at Blue Ridge Assembly will be made through me. Please NOTE if you will be sharing a room with a spouse/friend who is not participating in the Seminar.

For 5 nights (includes Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner-Vegetarian and gluten-free options.)
Shared Room: $337.50/person (2 people per room)
Private Room:  $500

About Sadaki Kato:
Sadaki Kato is the son of Haruki Kato, who like Mary Burmeister, studied Jin Shin Jyutsu with Master Jiro Murai.

He began apprenticing with his father after finishing studies in the Dept of Economics at Nihon University and attended the Japan School of Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Physiotherapy from 1994-1996. As a result he is trained in Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Jin Shin Jyutsu.

In 2013 he joined the Jin Shin Jyutsu faculty and research team. This seminar is based on his father’s text books. Those of you who were unable to study with his Father and have the requisite number of classes, will now have the opportunity to study this material.

Cancellation Policy for JSJ Classes:
If you cancel less than 30 days before the course, there is a $100 tuition cancellation fee and a $100 lodging cancellation fee.REGISTER NOW!  Print out Form, Fill out and Mail or Scan and Email ASAP to hold your seat in the class. 
Call or text Organizer:
Beth Molaro (828) 712-0115  email: bmolaro@earthlink.netI look forward to hosting your for this class. Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

Going with the Flow,
Beth Molaro
Asheville Area Jin Shin Jyutsu Organizer

Mail Your Registration Materials to: 
Beth Molaro, 38 Merchant Street, Asheville, NC 28803
Beth Molaro
(828) 712-0115
email: bmolaro@earthlink.net

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