David Burmeister – about Jin Shin Jyutsu

Here’s a video with David Burmeister, talking about Jin Shin Jyutsu, his mother Mary Burmeister, and Jiro Murai:

Hands on the way to harmony

Found an article by Barbara Lantin about Jin Shin Jyutsu in the newspaper Telegraph


Hands on the way to harmony

An ancient Japanese art that uses trigger points in the body can help eczema, stress and sleeplessness, reports Barbara Lantin

FRIDAY SMITH’s eczema used to drive her to despair. It appeared behind both ears when she was five years old and no treatment would shift it. “I went to most of the doctors in North Wales and none of them could help,” says Friday, who is 14 and lives in Llanfairfechan, near Conwy.

Vivienne Hamilton Shields demonstrates Jin Shin Jyutsu: different finger shapes can relieve emotional and physical problems

“I tried all kinds of creams and diets – at one point, I was drinking two pints of goat’s milk a day – but nothing worked. It was always painful and itchy but it hurt more when the wind blew it. It would crack and bleed. In the summer, when it was hot, it was really uncomfortable.”

Last year, Friday visited Vivienne Hamilton Shields, the mother of one of her closest friends and a practitioner in the ancient Japanese art of Jin Shin Jyutsu. “She put her fingers on my head and belly and kept moving them around. It made me twitch and I felt very giggly. It was as if I was being tickled, only I wasn’t. And it was very relaxing.

“Within two weeks of my going to see Vivienne, the eczema had gone and it hasn’t come back. I immediately went to get my ears pierced, which I couldn’t do before, and started wearing my hair up. I wasn’t on any medication or special diets at the time, so it must have been what Vivienne did. It’s absolutely amazing.”

What Mrs Hamilton Shields says she did was to help reharmonise Friday’s energy. “Placing my hands on a patient is like putting jump leads on them. My battery of life restores theirs. It is such a simple and yet powerful tool.”

The hands are placed in various positions on the body, depending on the root of the problem. No pressure or manipulation is used and the patient remains fully clothed. The therapy apparently even works through a plaster cast.

Jin Shin Jyutsu (the words mean “the art of the Creator through the person of compassion”) is one of a number of healing therapies which are energy-based and non-invasive. People are increasingly attracted by their gentle spiritual approach. Although Jin Shin Jyutsu has much in common with other healing therapies, such as zero-balancing and shiatsu, it has its own philosophy and physiology. Energy moves through the body along pathways known as “flows” and works at different levels, known as “depths”.

When it stagnates or becomes blocked owing to the person’s way of life, a disease or accident or emotional problems, the flow can be released by placing the hands gently but firmly on the appropriate “safety energy locks”. There are 26 of these on each side of the body, and each relates to a particular joint, organ or symptom.

For example, safety energy lock five, on the inside of the ankle between the ankle bone and the heel, is associated with liberating people from the burdens of the past, and conquering fear. Holding the insides of each ankle can also help digestive and hearing disorders.

“To find out how the energy is flowing, I read the pulses on both wrists,” says Mrs Hamilton Shields. “There is a sequence of movements to follow and I wait until I feel a steady rhythmic pulse before moving on to the next movement. Jin Shin Jyutsu is an art not a technique. Intuition comes into it. The body tells you what it needs. It is the same with animals: they show you the part of the body that needs attention.”

Patients respond in unexpected ways. Most, like me, become so deeply relaxed that they are close to sleep. Others experience hot or cold or feel tingling or twitching. John Thompson, who visited Mrs Hamilton Shields when he was feeling particularly stressed at work, had an astonishing reaction.

“For the first 10 minutes I felt no effects at all,” says Mr Thompson, a research scientist from Tregarth in North Wales. “Then I felt this silly grin break out on my face. I began giggling and this built up to almost uncontrollable laughter, not just in my neck and throat but from deep down. My arms and fingers and lower legs began to twitch, then to wave around. After Vivienne left the room, I relaxed more and the movements became so strong that I thought if I don’t get off the couch I shall fall off. It was almost overwhelming, but entirely pleasurable.

“When Vivienne came back in, I was curled up in the foetal position on the floor, giggling and laughing. Later in the day, I was walking along the high street and I felt as if I was floating about a foot off the pavement.”

Mr Thompson had five more treatments and believes Jin Shin Jyutsu has helped him to cope much better with stress. “Knowing that there is a method that works for me reduces the anxiety without even having to have the treatment,” he says.

Although said to predate both Buddha and Moses, it is only in the past 40 years that the philosophy has been known in the West. It was rediscovered in the early part of the 20th century by Jiro Murai, a Japanese doctor’s son who was declared terminally ill at the age of 26.

As a last request, he asked his family to carry him on a stretcher to their mountain cabin and leave him there alone for a week to die. During this time he fasted and meditated and practised some of the simpler movements of Jin Shin Jyutsu while slipping in and out of consciousness.

His body grew increasingly cold, but on the seventh day he felt as if he had been lifted out of a deep freeze and thrown into a furnace. He then experienced a sense of inner calm and knew that he was healed. To his amazement, he was able to walk down the mountain.

Jiro Murai dedicated the rest of his life to the study of Jin Shin Jyutsu and in the Forties passed his knowledge to Mary Burmeister, a young Japanese American translator. She studied with him for 12 years and later taught others in the United States and Europe.

The 20 practitioners of Jin Shin Jyutsu in Britain have undergone formal training. But what makes the discipline unusual is that patients can perform the movements on themselves, in a kind of do-it-yourself healing routine.

Alice Burmeister, daughter-in-law of Mary, and author of a guide to the subject, explains: “Simply placing one’s hands upon the appropriate area allows the life energy to travel through to another part of our own body or to another human being.

“Simple hands-on sequences,” she claims, “can restore emotional equilibrium, relieve pain and release the causes of both acute and chronic conditions.

“It can be used anywhere and at any time. Its methods are so easy and unobtrusive that you may use them on yourself in a crowded bus or in the middle of a difficult meeting.”

The fingers hold the key to Jin Shin Jyutsu. There are around 680 different ways of bending, stretching and clasping them together in order to relieve emotional and physical problems. In addition, it is said that each one can regulate 14,400 bodily functions.

One of the basic movements is designed to harmonise the body’s main central flow. Keeping the right hand on the top of the head, place the fingers of your left hand between the eyebrows, then on the tip of the nose, on your breastbone, above the solar plexus and finally on top of the pubic bone.

Leaving your left hand in this position, move your right hand to the base of your spine. “This is good for all sorts of things,” claims Mrs Hamilton Shields. “It works on the digestive and endocrine systems, the kidney and the bladder. If you were feeling stressed, it would calm you and if tired it would energise you. It’s about bringing you back into harmony.”

According to Alice Burmeister’s book, simple finger movements can be used to treat all manner of illnesses from scoliosis to heart disease. Mrs Hamilton Shields suggests trying out some of the simpler ones.

“To help you sleep, hold the base of your thumb. Hold the thumb to deal with worry, the index finger for fear, the middle finger for anger, the ring finger for sadness and grief and the little finger for when you are putting on a brave face.

“Do the exercises for as long as you like. The emotion does not necessarily go away, but you can see more clearly what to do about your situation.”

  • Vivienne Hamilton Shields is at the Hale Clinic in London (020 7631 0156) and in North Wales (01248 680362).
  • Practical Jin Shin Jyutsu (Thorsons £12.99) by Alice Burmeister with Tom Monte is available from our retail partner, Amazon, for £10.39. Click here to order a copy online.
  • To find your nearest Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner, send an sae to Editha Campbell, 40 Archer’s Road, Eastleigh SO50 9AY. Tel: 02380 320641 or visit www.jinshinjyutsu.com

Jin Shin Jyutsu Selfhelp

Came across a pdf about self-help, wanted to share it with you:

Click to access JSJGentleTouch-SelfHelpCancer.pdf

Just a reminder about how we use Jin Shin Jyutsu:
The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a physician before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you may have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your doctor.

Sodas are not good for you…

A woman I met some years ago, while I was travelling, was a really heavy addict – her drug of choice was Pepsi. It was interesting to see what impact it had on her, it was difficult for her to walk, she had eye problems, her joints were sore, and she had a lot of muscle pain, and so on… She HAD to have her cans of soda, or she got worse withdrawal symptoms – she woke up in the middle of the night, and had to drink a can of soda, then she could go back to sleep again. And she couldn’t walk almost the tiniest distance, her family had to go to the store for her, to get her sodas for her, because she couldn’t walk herself. It was an interesting study about the impact that food and drinks can have on us, and we still are doing it to ourselves, even though we know (and feel) that it’s not good for us. So, pay attention to what you eat and drink… it’s not only about Pepsi and Coke – read the ingredients list on your food, the shorter, the more natural, the better, sort of…

And here’s an article about another person, that even died from drinking too much Coca Cola:

Natasha Harris Coca-Cola addict died after drinking up to 18 PINTS of Coke a day for eight years

She suffered from a list of medical conditions, including a racing heart and ‘absent teeth’, which her family say had rotted out from Coke consumption. A mum-of-eight’s addiction to guzzling gallons of Coca Cola helped kill her, a coroner had ruled.

Natasha Harris downed up to 10 litres of the fizzy drink every day and got withdrawal symptoms if she ran out. Over an eight year period it’s estimated she had drunk more than 50,000 pints of Coke. The 30-year-old died from a cardiac arrest at her home in Invercargill in New Zealand on February 25, 2010.

Her partner, Christopher Hodgkinson, found her on the toilet, slumped against the wall gasping for air.Her family said they were shocked because labels on the bottles do not contain warnings about the possibility of getting hooked on the drink.

Coca Cola argued the huge quantities of Coke that Harris drank every day could not be proven to have contributed to her death.

However in findings released today, coroner David Crerar said the woman would not have died if it wasn’t for her dependence on the drink. Reacting to the ruling bosses at the multi-national drinks company said they were “disappointed” it had focus on her consumption of the fizzy drink.

Downing almost 18 pints a day is equal to more than twice the recommended safe daily limit of caffeine and almost one kilogram of sugar.

Coroner David Crerar said: “I find that, when all of the available evidence is considered, were it not for the consumption of very large quantities of Coke by Natasha Harris, it is unlikely that she would have died when she died and how she died.”

In the months leading up to her death her health had deteriorated, her partner said. Christopher told an earlier hearing: “She had no energy and was feeling sick all the time … She would get up and vomit in the morning.” He said her Coke habit had become an addiction: “She would get moody and get headaches if she didn’t have any Coke and also feel low in energy. “She had been drinking a lot of Coca-Cola over the past seven or eight years,” he said. He added: “I didn’t ever think about the Coke. I never considered it would do any harm to a person. “It’s just a soft drink, just like drinking water. I didn’t think a drink’s going to kill you.”

Vivien Hodgkinson, Christopher’s mother, said she got “withdrawal symptoms” if her Coke ran out and would go “crazy” if she ran out of the drink. The family did not consider Coke was harmful because its labels do not contain warning signs. Harris suffered from a list of medical conditions, including a racing heart and ‘absent teeth’, which her family say had rotted out from Coke consumption. They claim the drink also ruined her children’s teeth, with at least one of her kids being born without enamel on their teeth.

Dr Dan Mornin told the coroner Natasha probably had severe hypokalemia, a lack of potassium in the blood, relating to excessive consumption of soft drink. He said although it was difficult to confirm this from post-mortem tests, it was consistent with her symptoms of tiredness and lack of strength and other cases of heavy soft-drink consumers. He added it was likely the vomiting was due to too much caffeine, medically known as caffeine toxicity.

In a statement Coca Cola said: “The Coroner acknowledged that he could not be certain what caused Ms Harris’ heart attack. Therefore we are disappointed that the Coroner has chosen to focus on the combination of Ms Harris’ excessive consumption of Coca-Cola, together with other health and lifestyle factors, as the probable cause of her death. This is contrary to the evidence that showed the experts could not agree on the most likely cause”.

Visitors from all over the world!

It is very interesting – I’ve realized that I have a lot of visitors from other countries than Sweden – I will continue to write in Swedish at the static pages at this website, but add some English blogs now and then. I guess my visitors from other countries can use translate.google.com to understand the content of my Swedish posts. And there are a lot of other websites about Jin Shin Jyutsu in English, but not as many in Swedish…

My intention with this website is to spread the word about Jin Shin Jyutsu, mainly in Sweden (but also other countries),  about the workshops and classes that are available, and that this art is so suitable for self-help, to help people to help themselves. There are links to descriptions of books you can buy here, contact information to Jin Shin Jyutsu instructors and institutes, but also contact information to people that want to exchange treatments with one another, so we don’t have to rely on therapists all the time (and pay a lot of money) – we can help ourselves, and help each other as well, to share our knowledge.
I intend to post about food and nutrition as well and other things that can have a somewhat not wanted impact on the body,  this is (kind of) a quote from Mary Burmeister :
“Remove the dirty dust and the greasy grime daily”
If we add on to the dirty dust and the greasy grime through our eating habits and other impacts, it could be difficult to clear out that in the same pace..

And I just wanted to say hello to my visitors from Denmark, Norway, Finland, Åland Islands, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Lichtenstein, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Andorra, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Romania, Turkey, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Bermuda, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago, Costa Rica, Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Suriname, French Guiana, Thailand, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Cambodia, Viet Nam, Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Macao, Korea, Japan, Philippines, Australia,  New Zealand, Israel, Libya, Oman, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Morocco, Senegal, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria, Tanzania and South Africa – I’m really happy that you found this website, and I hope you will have many nice Jin Shin Jyutsu days ahead of you. Drop your shoulders and smile, and don’t forget to breathe, as Mary Burmeister said!

Christmas presents?

I saw Jin Shin Jyutsu Singapore post about this, and I thought it was a good idea – why not give a gift that might make a difference in someone’s  life?

Looking for Christmas presents for your health-conscious book lover friends?

Jin Shin Jyutsu books are fantastic!

Mary Burmeister is the amazing lady who brought Jin Shin Jyutsu to the West when she returned home in the US after spending some time with Master Jiro Murai. We are still learning more about Jin Shin Jyutsu as her letters to Master Murai are now being translated.

Learn more about Jin Shin Jyutsu with The Touch of Healing, one of all 3 of the Self Help Books or What Mary Says.

If you have a loved one facing a health crisis, any of these books would make a perfect gift.

The Touch of Goodbye is a must read for anyone who has someone critically ill. This book is a compilation of stories that show how Jin Shin Jyutsu is super supportive of the healing journey, and how sometimes goodbye isn’t quite goodbye or how a goodbye can be (and meant to be) beautiful, loving, and healing. It is touching, inspiring, and educational about the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu and about life itself.

And if you want to help your children, you can teach them about Jin Shin Jyutsu with the help of the book Fun with Happy Hands

You can buy the books here:

The touch of healing

A touching goodbye:

The 3 self-help books:

Fun with Happy Hands:

and there are other books as well:

Om smör kontra margarin

Jag har inte använt margarin på väldigt många år, och slutade med smör för ganska många år sedan också, använder bara kokosfett och olivolja nuförtiden, och blir än mer övertygad om att det där med margarin inte är någon bra idé, när jag läste denna artikel, från Helena Palena:

Symaskinsolja & Bensin i margarin! Bluffen med Becél! Ät naturligt smör!

Välkommen till fabriken där man försöker få margarin att likna smör!
Här tillverkas svenskt Becel, Flora, Lätta och Milda-margarin. Inte så flott – Bilderna inifrån Unilevers fabrik i Helsingborg visar på en miljö som mer liknar ett kemiskt laboratorium än en matfabrik. Här är det margarin som har läckt ut på golvet.  


Förutom vatten så är den största ingrediensen i svenskt margarin och lättmargarin palmolja. För att kunna odla palmolja röjs det tusentals kvadratkilometer regnskog årligen, där både djurliv och växtliv får betala med sitt liv. När det skövlade området sedan kultiverats och dom odlade palmerna växt färdig skickas palmerna till ett raffinaderi där oljan genomgår kemiska processer, bland annat blekning. Man häller sedan över oljan i stora pråmar, som ofta fraktat andra kemikalier i samma behållare med undermålig rengöring däremellan. Vad har margarin och toalettstolar gemensamt? När den allt annat än trevliga sörjan sedan anländer till en margarinfabrik måste den genomgå en reningsprocess, för man önskar nämligen att få bort all otrevlig stank och smak ur oljan.

När man tar bort råvarornas naturliga egenskaper använder man natronlut (natriumhydroxid, samma ämne som finns i medel för rengöring av toalettstolar), fosforsyra eller citronsyra samt blekmedel (bentonitlera som regenereras med svavelsyra). Sedan använder man aceton för att skilja det fleromättade fettet från det mättade fettet. För att få margarinet att likna smör, måste man omestra fettmassan så den blir mindre klumpig. Detta görs genom att tillsätta en frätande lösning som heter natriummetylat. Enligt livsmedelsverket blir metanol (träsprit) ett av de ämnen som skapas i den så kallade omestringen, men inte tillräckligt stora mängder för att de ska tycka att det är alarmerande.

Gunnar Lindgren, som är en av Sveriges största experter på margarinframställning om omestringsprocessen säger så här: ”Detta är en av de mest riskabla kemikalier jag stött på och borde aldrig få förekomma i livsmedelssammanhang. Enligt en beskrivning rör sig hela fettmassan under reaktionen och svarta stråk bildas som i en science-fiction film. Efter processen inaktiveras natriummetylatet och resultatet är så sotigt att det måste blekas (igen).”

Finns det bensin i margarinet? När Livsmedelsverket för ett antal år sedan analyserade margarinerna ”Milda” och ”Becél” fanns betydande mängder bensin i dessa livsmedel. Dessförinnan hade tillverkaren Unilever kategoriskt förnekat att bensin fanns med i tillverkningsprocessen. Man använder sig nämligen av en extraktionsbensin i många av de vegetabiliska oljorna som tillsätts i smör. Även i sojalecitinet som är en av ingredienserna i margarinet behövs extraktionsbensin för att kunna utvinna lecitinet. Det är extremt svårt att göra sig av med bensinen när den väl är med i margarinet så gränsvärdena för vad som är tillåtet har medvetet höjts rejält av ansvariga statliga verk. Så enligt Livsmedelsverket är det tydligen helt okej för oss att äta cancerogent och allergiframkallande bensin utan att vi vet om det. Inte nog med det, alla barn i förskolor och skolor ”tvingas” äta det då de anser att margarin är nyttigare än smör.

Man tillsätter färgämnen och mängder av aromämnen för att få den kemiska sörjan att mer likna det naturliga smöret. En väldigt lång kemisk process. Man går verkligen över ån efter vattner.
Gunnar Lindgren: ”Problemet med margarintillverkning är att man försöker imitera ett annat livsmedel – smör. Om man försöker göra ett margarin på ett naturligt sätt av exempelvis olivolja skulle det bli gröngrått, lukta och smaka oliver, samt bli flytande. Skulle man använda naturlig rapsolja skulle det på samma sätt bli gulaktigt, lukta och smaka raps och vara flytande. Vill vi ha ett fast margarin måste vi använda något fast vegetabiliskt – fett exempelvis, kokosfett eller palmolja, men detta skulle smaka och lukta kokos/palmolja och ha en mer skokrämsliknande konsistens. Slutligen skall jag beröra vad jag anser var det sämsta med margarin. Eftersom man så grundligt utplånar de ursprungliga råvarornas identitet kan man inte påstå att margarin innehåller rapsolja. Kvar finns näringsmässigt ”döda” fettmolekyler utan identitet – ungefär som i symaskinsolja. En analys av ett margarin kan därför knappast ange vilken råvara den är gjord av.”

Forskaren Renaud 1989 visat att bildning av blodproppar ökar hos råttor när man omestrar palmolja. Forskaren Innis 1996 visade att smågrisar får förändrad lungfunktion och Elwood 1991 visade ökad risk för hjärtinfarkt hos människan. Läs mer på Gunnar Lindgrens hemsida.

Barnen på skolorna får margarin och lättmjölk istället för dom riktiga varorna. Klara som går i femman tyckte inte om lunchen igår. Men du drack väl mjölk och åt smörgås inflikade jag som vill att hon ska äta. Näe, dricker inte den där äckliga gröna mjölken. Det smakar konstigt, sa hon indignerat. Hon har berättat hur det går till en dag i veckan när barnen får Bregott. En dag i veckan får dom Bregott! Då köar barnen. Barn känner att dom behöver riktigt fett. Annras blir dom inte mätta? Hur svårt ska det vara för Livsmedelsverket att förstå? Och hur långt tid ska det ta att förstå att det här med mättat fett inte är farligt. Att det inte är fettet som är orsak till blodproppar. Fettskräcken och kolesterolmyten är stark! Det som gör att det bildas en propp i kärlet är en inflammation initialt. Sen kloggar det igen och proppen bildas. Märk väl: De som kommer in med hotande hjärtinfarkt har alla för lågt kolesterol i blodet. Läs mer i docent Uffe Ravnskogs bok Kolesterolmyten.

Nästa gång du ser reklamen Om du tänker på ditt hjärta – Ät Becél så gå inte på bluffen! Vill du hålla dig frisk och inte äta bensin, aceton och andra processkemikalier bör du nog sluta med margarin och gå direkt på orginalet: Smöret!

Och så en post till om vete… :-)


This Is Your Gut On Gluten

Are you curious to know what’s really happening inside your body when you eat your morning bagel or bowl of cereal?

What is gluten?

Gluten is a protein made up of the peptides gliadin and glutenin and it is found in many grains such as wheat, semolina, spelt, kamut, rye and barley.

Gluten (from Latin, “glue”) is a protein that gives bread its airy and fluffy texture and dough its sticky texture. It’s also used as a stabilizing agent in many processed foods, such as salad dressings and mayonnaise. It’s in almost everything from beauty products to packaged foods to medications and supplements.

Why is gluten getting such a bad rap now?

The prevalence of celiac and gluten sensitivity has increased significantly over the last 50 years. A 2009 study published in Gastroenterology showed that celiac disease has increased from one in 650 people to one in 120 people over the last 50 years.

We’re no longer eating the wheat that our parents ate. In order to have the drought-resistant, bug-resistant and faster growing wheat that we have today, we’ve hybridized the grain. It’s estimated that 5 percent of the proteins found in hybridized wheat are new proteins that were not found in either of the original wheat plants. These “new proteins” are part of the problem that has lead to increased systemic inflammation, widespread gluten intolerance and higher rates of celiac.

Today’s wheat has also been deamidated, which allows it to be water soluble and capable of being mixed into virtually every kind of packaged food. This deamidation has been shown to produce a large immune response in many people. Lastly, in our modern fast-paced world with fast food at our fingertips, we’re eating much more wheat than our ancestors ever did.

So, what happens in your gut when you eat gluten?

Whether you are eating a sugary fried doughnut or organic 12-grain bread, the effects of gluten on your gut are the same. When your meal reaches your intestines, tissue transglutaminase (tTG), an enzyme produced in your intestinal wall, breaks down the gluten into its protein building blocks, gliadin and glutenin.

As these proteins make their way through your digestive system, your immune system in your gut, the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), reviews them for potentially harmful substances. In people who have no issues with gluten, the proteins are absorbed. In those with gluten sensitivity, the GALT identifies gliadin as a dangerous substance and produces antibodies to attack it. In celiacs, these antibodies don’t just attack the gliadin, they attack the tTG as well, which is what originally broke down the gluten into its two parts.

This enzyme, tTG, has a number of jobs, including holding together the microvilli in our gut. Your body collects nutrients by absorbing them through the walls of your intestines, and the more surface area there is, the more they can absorb. Imagine trying to soak up a gallon of water with a paper towel versus a bath towel. Microvilli, which look like hairy fingers, exist in your intestines to increase the surface area and absorb nutrients.

When the antibodies your body produced to defend itself against gliadin attack your tTG, these microvilli can atrophy and erode, decreasing your ability to absorb nutrients and allowing the walls of your intestines to become leaky. This can manifest itself in digestive symptoms, including bloating, constipation, diarrhea, weight loss, fat malabsorption and malnutrition, such as iron deficiency or anemia, low vitamin D or even osteoporosis.This blunting of the microvilli is the hallmark of celiac disease, which is an autoimmune disease.

How does gluten cause intestinal permeability, a.k.a leaky gut?

Regulating intestinal permeability is one of the basic functions of the cells that line the intestinal wall. In sensitive people, gluten can cause the gut cells to release zonulin, a protein that can break apart the tight junctions holding your intestines together.

Once these tight junctions get broken apart, your gut is considered to be leaky. A leaky gut allows toxins, microbes, undigested food particles and antibodies to escape from your intestines and travel throughout your body via your bloodstream. The antibodies that escape are the ones that your body produced to attack the gliadin in the first place.

What is the link between gluten, systemic inflammation and autoimmune disease?

Unfortunately, these antibodies often confuse more than just tTG for gliadin, and end up attacking other organs and systems, from the skin to the thyroid to the brain. This is why gluten sensitivity is frequently paired with autoimmune conditions and why those with celiac disease are at risk of developing a second autoimmune disease. I would suggest that if you have an autoimmune disease you get tested for gluten sensitivity, and if you’re gluten sensitive, you should get screened for autoimmunity.

How to determine if you’re gluten sensitive?

The single best way to determine if you are gluten sensitive is to take it out of your diet for at least 30 days, then reintroduce it. Your body knows better than any test. If you feel significantly better without gluten or feel worse when you reintroduce it, then gluten is likely a problem for you, even if your lab tests are negative. Lab testing for both is available as well, however, there are some inherent problems with this testing. Check out my article, “How to Test for Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease,” for more information regarding this.

How to treat gluten sensitivity or celiac?

Eliminating 100 percent of gluten from your diet. Trace amounts of gluten from cross-contamination or medications can be enough to cause an immune reaction in your body.

When in doubt, go without. You may be saving your life or the life of someone you love.

Originally posted on the Huffington Post.

– See more at: http://www.dramymyers.com/2013/08/26/this-is-your-gut-on-gluten/#sthash.eHywxMdS.dpuf

Åkrarna gödslas med p-piller

Ytterligare ett skäl till att välja ekologiskt… artikeln från Aftonbladet 19 nov 2013


Åkrarna gödslas med p-piller

Svenska bönder får betalt för att sprida gift

Gifterna avskiljs i svenska reningsverk.

Sen sprids de på åkrarna där vår mat odlas.

Aftonbladet kan avslöja att svenska bönder får minst 36 000 kronor för att täcka sina jordar med tung­metaller, miljögifter, sjukhusavfall och läkemedelsrester.

Genom de svenska avloppsrören forsar inte bara kiss och bajs utan också tungmetaller, ­läkemedelsrester, kemikalier, miljögifter, sjukhusavfall, bakterier och virus.

När vattnet är renat har ­reningsverken varje år 200 000 ton slam kvar.

Svenskt Vatten, en branschorganisation för reningsverken, tycker att det är vettigt att sprida detta slam på åkrar där vår mat odlas.

Men många lantbrukare är tveksamma. Eftersom slam är klassat just som avfall finns det inga begränsningar alls för att vad som kan finnas i det.

Bra betalt

Den bonde som tar emot slammet som gödsel för åkermarken får rejäl ersättning. Entreprenörerna, som reningsverken anlitar, betalar.

– Enligt en ilsken slamentreprenör, som mejlade mig när Landskrona förbjöd slamspridning, handlar det om 1 000 kronor per hektar, säger Ewa Björnberg, tidigare miljöinspektör.

Näsby Eko AB är en entreprenör som kör ut slam till lantbruk.

Vid ett första samtal uppger ägaren Bengt Lundström att ersättningen till bönderna uppgår till 30 kronor per ton och att det sprids ungefär 20 ton per hektar, alltså 36 000 kronor för ett medelstort lantbruk på 60 hektar.

I ett brev till Lunds miljöförvaltning uppger dock Bengt Lundström att han betalar 120 kronor per ton till lantbrukaren och lägger 25 ton per hektar.

För ett genomsnittligt lantbruk handlar det då om 200 000 kronor för att ta emot gifterna.

– För 250 kronor per ton erbjuder jag mig att ta hand om slammet, säger Bengt Lundström.

– Om jag betalar 120 kronor till lantbrukaren och frakten kostar 70 kronor per ton så blir det bara 60 kronor över till mig.

Kräver totalt förbud

Naturvårdsverket har utrett frågan och skickat sin rapport på remiss. Kemikalieinspektionen vill ha ett totalförbud. Myndigheten skriver, i sitt remissvar, att det är uteslutet att fortsatt slamspridning kan vara förenligt med regeringens mål ”Giftfri miljö”.

Skogsstyrelsen säger blankt nej till slamspridning i skogen, bland annat för att det skulle vara olämpligt att äta bär från sån mark.

Naturskyddsföreningen kräver också ett totalt förbud.

– Slam är så kontaminerat med erkänt farliga ämnen att vi inte anser att det kan spridas. Det är både tungmetaller, som kadmium, och andra miljögifter som kan lagras i både djur och människor, säger vice ordförande Johanna Sandahl.

Svenskt Vatten har tagit fram ett eget certifieringssystem som de kallar Revaq.  De egna kraven har gränsvärden för sju tungmetaller: bly, nickel, koppar, krom, zink, kadmium och kvicksilver. Slammet får inte heller innehålla salmonella.

Några analyser för andra välkända miljögifter, smittor eller läkemedelsrester görs inte. Och certifieringen är helt frivillig.

Sprider p-piller

Enligt organisationen ”Ren åker, ren mat” sprider slammet hormoner motsvarande 5 000 ­p-piller per hektar – totalt 300 000 på en medelstor gård.

Varför tycker Svenskt Vatten att det är bra att lägga avfall som innehåller tungmetaller, miljögifter och läkemedelsrester på åkrar där det ska odlas mat?

– Det är bra så länge det inte finns några hälsorisker och så länge nyttan överväger, säger Anders Finnsson, ansvarig för avlopp hos Svenskt Vatten.

Vet ni att det är nyttigt?

– Vi utgår från den vetenskap som finns i dag.

Sojabönor som gödslades med slam tog upp både läkemedelsrester och miljögifter från ­hygienartiklar. Det upptäckte forskare vid University of Toledo i Ohio, USA, 2010. Dessutom ackumulerades de främmande ämnena – det fanns alltså högre halter i sojaplantan än i slammet.

  • Det här finns i slammet som sprids

     Lugnande medel


     Antidepressiva medel

     Antipsykotiska medel

    Ångestdämpande medel

    Smärtlindrande medel

    Lugnande medel




    Campylobacter coli (magsjukebakterie)

    Campylobacter jejuni (magsjukebakterier)


    Bromerade flamskyddsmedel






    Phantolide (hormonstörande)










    Blodtryckssänkande medel

    Bakteriedödande läkemedel




     Förbjudet insektsbekämpningsmedel

     Antiinflammatoriska läkemedel



    Källor: Statens veterinärmedicinska anstalt, Naturvårdsverket, Svenska Miljöinstitutet.

Environmental movement – inside and outside…

I started this blog mainly for Swedish people interested in Jin Shin Jyutsu, but I have noticed that I have a lot of visitors from other countries as well, so I will write a post in English now an then 🙂
and there always google translate, if you want to find out what my Swedish posts are about..

I discovered Jin Shin Jyutsu in the early 90’s, and I also been interested in environmental issues for a long time, and what sometimes strikes me is that some people doesn’t take care of themselves as well they could, for whatever reason, they care more for the outside world than to take care of themselves, eating nutritional food, sleeping, not working too much, exercising, breathing etc. (And I’m one of those too, of course, as we all are, more or less) I just wanted to share some words from my friend Derk Loeks, in hope and wishing for that we could take care of ourselves internally as well as externally, not an easy task, but we must try anyway… So if possible, if we can think about ourselves in the way he describes here below too.. in Jin Shin Jyutsu we talk about “as above, so below”, this is the same thing, “as inside – so outside”


What is the living ecology of healthy landscapes? What is the ecology of damaged landscapes?
What is the ecology behind restoring damaged land to a healthy state?
This is the purpose of restoration ecology: to understand how the web of life is expressing itself within the ecosystem,
where and how that web is torn, and what resources does that web already posses to restore itself to health?In my practice of restoration ecology, I use the design science of Permaculture as a tool for assessing the diverse needs
of the land and the land stewards who care (or need to start caring) for the land. The skills and perspectives of Permaculture
are then used in order to design a living system that is dynamic, stable and gets stronger over time.Further, permaculture helps design an integrated lifestyle that contribute to, and benefits from a life in balance  in relationship to healthy land. This life in balance can express itself within wilderness or city, in village or on a farm, yet in each case there will be a specific landscape (s) that are part of the relationship.Permaculture Ethics1. Care of the Earth
2. Care of people
3. Re invest the surplus.These three ethics clarify the obvious yet little understood reality that a healthy planet is essential to any long term venture of any kind.
You cannot effectively care for the earth if people are in extreme need of being cared for. The significant increase of productivity, profit
and contributions that come from investing time money and energy in care of earth and people should be re invested to accentuate the entire process.Three Key Relationship Questions in the Design Process

I often use the following 3 questions to begin to assess the relationship of land and stewards.
I start here even before evaluating the extent and type of damage on the land.

1. What are the needs and potential contributions of the landscape?
2. What are the needs and potential contributions of the land stewards?
3. What is the economy that is needed to significantly contribute to the needs of land and stewards?

Using this as a framework to structure our findings, we can now go about finding what works, doesn’t work and why
within the land and steward relationship.

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November 2013